Full Time K-8 Islamic School
Our Assessments
At Almadina Academy, we believe that an effective education doesn’t just come from memorizing or lecturing. Active participation in the learning process entails analyzing, discussing, and collaborating - in order to comprehend and retain knowledge. All of our subjects are designed to encourage deep mental processing and student engagement with the class material. To ensure that our students are excelling academically, Almadina implements State Wide Testing throughout the year as shown below:
The Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS) is aligned to the K-12 English Language Proficiency Standards and is designed to identify Ohio students in grades K-12 as English learners
The Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) is the state summative test used to determine an English learner’s progress to English proficiency and readiness to exit from the English language development program. The OELPA is aligned to Ohio’s K-12 English Language Proficiency Standards and meets the federal requirement of an annual assessment of English proficiency measuring listening, speaking, reading and writing (Read More)
iReady ELA & Math
The i-Ready Diagnostic is a computer adaptive achievement assessment in Mathematics and Reading. i-Ready combines both diagnostic testing and a personalized instruction program. Designed for students from kindergarten through eighth grade, i-Ready creates a unique, research-based lesson plan for each child, tailored to their individual performance on the i-Ready Diagnostic test. This gives teachers the ability to modify the sequence of lessons or add new ones based on their understanding of their students’ needs. (Read More)
Ohio State Test
ELA, Math and Science
These tests are taken at the end of a school year. They measure what your child knows and can do based on Ohio’s Learning Standards. » They help teachers target areas of improvement and where they need to support students. This helps teachers better prepare students for success in school, college, and careers. » OST results give information to the general public about how local schools are performing compared to other schools around the state. (Read More)