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Arabic and Islamic Education


Almadina uses the تعلم العربية curriculum for non-Arabic speakers as well as material from Arabic related teaching websites like

الخطه التدريبيه 
اعطاء نص الدرس قراءة وكتابه على الدفتر 
قراءة الدرس بشكل صحيح 
معجم الدرس كلمات عربي وترجمتها انجليزي 
رسم الدرس والتعبير عن الدرس بالرسم 
درس قواعد ونحو  
شرح القاعدة والنحو المختار مثلا درس حروف الجر. نحضر امثله وكتابه جمل على الحرف


Students during class do tilawah with the teachers and are given Surahs from the Quran to memorize.

لتدريب على حفظ سورة من القران  
القراءة وإعادة الطلاب معي 
على السكرين من اليوتيوب وإعادة الطلاب مع الشيخ واعطاءهم واجب الحفظ

Islamic Studies

With the ٍSafar Publication Islamic Studies books, you will find a curriculum and topics in the books that support the curriculum. The curriculum includes topics based on the Qur’an, Hadith, nabis and rasuls, aqidah, fiqh, seerah, Islamic history, past communities, companions, ideology, ethics, and so forth. Many topics of contemporary interest are covered, such as dating, male-female relationships, Muslim American identity, Islam in the workplace, racism, and Islamic finance.


The lessons in the curriculum are presented in a logical, systematic manner to suit the teaching needs of Islamic schools. Topics have been selected based on age, grade, and students’ learning level.

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